By adding custom fields on documents you can filter them by more parameters that are custom made. You will be able to define your own search parameters and find documents much easier. When putting a value in custom field, it will be shown on the document by itself.

  1. Open a reservation for editing.
  2. In the list of documents choose a Document you want to edit.
  3. Create a document.
  4. Use New custom field button to create new custom field.
  5. New custom field window appears.
  6. Choose Custom field type as one of listed types in the drop down list according to the nature of your custom information.
    NOTE: You can choose between six custom field types: text box, drop down list, text area,check box, editor or date.
  1. Enter the name of the custom field in the Name field and enter the description of the custom field in the Description field.
  2. Define custom default values in the Default values field by using Add new value button.
  3. Click OK to save changes.
  4. Specify characteristics of the document with entering or selecting information values in the newly created custom field.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

NOTE: When defining custom field on one document, it will be visible on every document in the system and you won’t need to create it again for each document. So, it is visible on the level of all documents, you just need to put a different value for each.

HINT: Custom field on the documents are used when you want to track some attribute of specific document. For example, you can put a custom field “Reference number”and form it as a text box (put a value 234). If you search it under this number you will find it. This reference number will be shown on the document, too.