Entering accommodation units

Entering new accommodation units is done through the price list tab.

  1. Edit accommodation.
  2. Choose the Price list tab.
  3. Click Add button to add a new accommodation unit.
  4. Select accommodation type from Type drop down list
  5. Enter description.
  6. Select appropriate from the Service, Status, Selling and Net billing type drop down list.
  7. Fill in the maximum number of persons that can fit in the unit in Max Ps text box.
    NOTE: If unit occupancy is different depending on number of persons and their ages, use Change the room occupant combination icon to create different combinations.
  8. Roll over Edit attributes >> label and select appropriate attributes.
    NOTE: If some attributes are missing, add new ones.
  9. Finish entering the price list.
  10. Click OK to save changes.

HINT: In Lemax system it is not possible to enter new types of accommodation units. Instead of adding new types, you can use a combination of type and description. For example if you wish to have “Double room standard” as a type, you can use “Double room” as a type and put “standard” as description. On all your documents and online booking this unit will appear as “Double room standard”.

Deleting accommodation units

  1. Edit accommodation.
  2. Choose the Price list tab.
  3. Scroll down to find the appropriate accommodation unit.
  4. Click Delete button to delete the accommodation unit.
    NOTE: In order to delete an accommodation unit, please first delete all reservations for that unit, if possible.

Deleting prices from price list

  1. Edit accommodation.
  2. Choose the Price list tab.
  3. Scroll down to find the appropriate accommodation unit.
  4. Click Delete price list button to delete the prices from the price list.

Defining additional details for accommodation units

      1. Edit accommodation.
      2. Choose the Price list tab.
      3. Scroll down to find the appropriate accommodation unit.
      4. Click the Edit button.
        A window for editing accommodation unit will appear.
  1. Use different tabs to do any of the following:

General –
Options –
Confirmed –
Attribute –
Short description –
Description – enter unit description
Photos –  upload photos
Notes –
Category –