Mailbox is  a regular e-mail account where you can setup as many e-mail addresses / accounts as you want to.

Entering new mailbox

  1. Choose Communication → Mailboxes from the main menu.
  2. Click the New Mailbox button.
  3. Mailbox window will appear.
    NOTE: All fields with * symbol are mandatory to fill.


  1. Name: display name of the mailbox, usually name and surname of the user.
  2. Description:  description of the mailbox that will be shown on the list of mailboxes, helps clarify what is this mailbox used for.
  3. Email: email address to which this mailbox will be tied to.
  4. Notification email: notifications about all received emails to this mailbox will be sent to this email.
    NOTE: If notification email is the same as the one in the Email filed, it will be ignored. No notifications will be sent.

Incoming email settings

  1. Server: incoming email server.
  2. Port: port of the incoming mail server.
  3. Username: username used to log in to the incoming mail server.
  4. Password: password used to log in to the incoming mail server.
    Incoming server type: defines whether server is POP or IMAP
  5. Active SSL: check box which defines whether SSL will be active or not.
  6. Set last UID to last email: when it is selected only new emails will be imported in the system.
    NOTE: Lemax will not import emails that were in the mailbox before this button was clicked.
  7. Reset last UID: when selected all of the emails from the mailbox will be imported in the system. It negates Set last UID to last email button.

Outgoing email settings

  1. Server: outgoing email server.
  2. Port: port of the outgoing email server.
  3. Username: username used to log in to the outgoing email server.
  4. Password: password used to log in to the outgoing mail server.
  5. Active SSL: check box which defines whether SSL will be active or not.
    NOTE: All Gmail users have to enable IMAP Access setting for the successful mailbox set up.