All import data needs to be sent in Excel files (extension xsl or xslx).
We will map all data in excel to fields in Lemax. Any data that cannot be mapped to Lemax will be mapped to custom field in Lemax and communicated with you where this data will be imported to.
Itravel supports importing of following data:
- Suppliers
- Customers/partners
- Reservations
- Passengers
Create exactly one excel file for each data that needs to be imported in Lemax (one for suppliers, one for customers, one for reservations, one for passengers). Create column for each data and name it. Please explain all fields that are not self explanatory.
The data that is numeric, make sure that fields in excel are numeric (to avoid formatting issues).
The data that is date type, make sure that fields in excel are date type (to avoid formatting issues).
It is recommended that you export data from your current system automatically (so you can provide us with newest version without manual job). Also, please send us sample data as soon as possible so that we can prepare data for import. Sample data is used so that we can prepare import procedure and test the data. It is crucial that sample data is in exactly the same as final data. We may ask you to send us newest data a few times before final import to better adjust import procedure. Please make sample data from real data and send us all data you have (to avoid issues when you send us final data). Before final import in the system, you need to send us newest complete data in exactly the same format as sample data (it is important that you do not change columns or column names after you send us sample data).
Importing suppliers and customers
Customers and suppliers are imported with same rules to Lemax.
Put each customer/supplier in exactly one row.
Make sure you have uniqueID column for customer so Lemax can correctly distinguish different customers.
NOTE: If you have the case when same company is customer and supplier in your data, then it is recommended that you send customer data and supplier data in same Excel file and add 2 columns: Supplier and Customer and mark it.
Importing reservations
Put each reservation in exactly one row.
Make sure you have uniqueID column for reservation so Lemax can correctly distinguish different reservations.
It is recommended to include reservation status in import data.
Obligatory data for reservations are: Travel start date, travel end date, price.
Importing passengers
Put each passenger in exactly one row.
Make sure you have uniqueID column for passenger so Lemax can correctly distinguish different passenger.
Each passenger needs to have reservationID (of the reservation to which he is connected to). This reservationID needs to be exactly the same as uniqueID of the reservation in reservations import.