Departure duration is defined by the departure group.
Group all of the departures with the same duration into one departure group. If you have departures with different durations, for each of those durations you will need to create a different departure group.
Creating a new departure group
- Edit an advanced tour.
- Choose the Departures tab.
- Click the New button.
A new departure group has been added.
Defining a duration of the departure group
The duration of the departure group is defined by the duration of its stages.
To change the duration of the departure group you need to edit the Stage start and Stage end parameters of its stages. You can do this by editing stages.
Example: 10/11 days advanced tours
As an example of tours with departures with different durations, we can take the tour having departures on following dates: 1.10., 10.10., 21.10., 31.10., 10.11., 21.11. …
In this tour we have a departure lasting 10 days, then a departure lasting for 11 days, then a departure lasting for 10 days…
It is necessary to enter two departure groups, one for 10 days departures and one for 11 days departures.
- Enter a new advanced tour.
- Choose the Departures tab.
- Click the New button to add a departure group.
- Edit stages to define the duration for this group to be 10 days.
- Edit the departure to set it to 1.10.
- Link the departure to accommodation and charter flight/bus.
- Copy the departure.
NOTE: As the 10 day departure has an 11 day departure following it, this means that the 10 day departure will repeat itself each 21 days. When copying the departure, set the number of days between departures to 21. - Close the window for editing the departure group.
- Click the New button to add a new group.
- Edit stages to define the duration for this group to be 11 days.
- Edit the departureto set it to 10.10.
- Link the departure to accommodation and harter flight/bus.
- Copy the departure.
NOTE: As the 11 day departure has a 10 day departure following it, this means that the 11 day departure will repeat itself each 21 days. When copying the departure, set the number of days between departures to 21. - Close the window for editing the departure group.
In the grid with departures you will see all of your departures, and each one displays its duration in days.