Define data that customer has to fill while making an online reservation.
This data can be defined at the system level when edited from the main menu, or at the travel product level when edited in the travel product Booking form data tab.
Customer booking form data
- Choose Options → Booking form data from the main menu.
NOTE: Edit Booking form data for a specific object by editing a reservation and choosing Booking form data tab.
- Booking form data grid will appear.
- Customer booking form data is the data of the reservation holder.
- Choose data from the left side and transfer it to the right side if you wish to show it to users on online booking.
- If the data is obligatory, check it.
HINT: f you want to add data that is not on the list, add it as a custom field on your partner or add it as custom field on your passenger. Data will be visible in this grid and you can transfer it to the right side to make it visible online.
- The data you define here will be visible on online booking form below section called Personal data.
Passenger booking form data
- Choose Options → Booking form data from the main menu.
NOTE: Edit Booking form data for the specific object by editing a reservation and choosing Booking form data tab.
- Booking form data grid will appear.
- Passenger booking form data is the data of passengers on the reservation.
- Choose data from the left side and transfer it to the right side if you wish to show it to users on online booking.
- If the data is obligatory, check it.
HINT: If you want to add data that is not on the list, add it as a custom field on your partner or add it as custom field on your passenger. Data will be visible in this grid and you can transfer it to the right side to make it visible online.
- The data you define here will be visible on online booking form below Number of persons drop down list.
Reservation booking form data
- Choose Options → Booking form data from the main menu.
NOTE: Edit Booking form data for the specific object by editing a reservation and choosing Booking form data tab. - Booking form data grid will appear.
- Choose data from the left side and transfer it to the right side if you wish to show it to users on online booking.
- If the data is obligatory, check it.
HINT: If you want to add data that is not on the list, add it as a custom field on the reservation. Data will be visible in this grid and you can transfer it to the right side to make it visible online. - The data you define here will be visible on online booking form below Customer data.