Adding capacities is done trough the availability report.

    1. Open the availability report.
    2. On the left side of the report, find the accommodation unit you wish to add capacities to.
    3. Click it.
    4. A new window for adding capacities will appear.
    5. In the Action field select the New capacity option.
    6. Choose capacity Type.
    7. Enter the Number of capacities you wish to add.
      NOTE: If you have chosen allotment as a type, you should also define Start and End dates.
  1. Click OK to save changes.
    Add or remove „stop booking“

When you add „stop booking“ on a certain period for an accommodation unit, it is not possible to make a reservation for that unit in that period anymore. It is also sometimes called „Stop sale“.

Adding or removing „stop booking“ is done trough the availability report:

  1. Open the availability report.
  2. On the left side of the report, find the accommodation unit you wish to add stop booking to.
  3. Click it.
  4. In the Action field select Insert stop booking option.
    NOTE: If you wish to delete stop booking choose Delete stop booking option
  5. Enter Start date and End date of the period you wish to forbid selling.
  6. Click OK to save changes.