What’s new? When creating new reservation, you can use new Assigned to field. Benefits? The creator of the reservation will be predefined in this field, but if you decide to, you can assign this[...]
Module Tours – Payments
What’s new? In module Tours – Groups, “Payments” changed name into “Installments”. Also, from now on it is possible to make installments in different languages. You[...]
Edit passengers option on Congress module
What’s new? At conferences, new column is added that contains the Edit icon where you can edit any guest of the M.I.C.E. conference that you want. Benefits? Here you can change data. You donR[...]
Changes on Activity tab (reservation window)
What’s new? Added to Activity tab history of actions made with one reservation. If you add some new item or change existing one, you will see exact information what you changed, to what you chan[...]
New export option
What’s new? „Export to Excel“ option at Rooming list and Flight/Bus list reports is added. Benefits? This new export option now gives you the abillity to edit the rooming/flight/bus lists.[...]
Booking form data
What’s new? You can manage the data you want to be required and shown to your customers when making a reservation on the online booking form. Benefits? You can decide what information you want from [...]
New capacity option on Rent-a-car module
What’s new? From now on you can add new capacity unit ton rent-a-car module. Benefits? You can go to rent a car availability tab and add fixed units. This helps you if you own the cars and the capac[...]
New option on documents
What’s new? Added a new column named “VAT type” for the documents “Invoice” and “Advance payment method”. How? From now on, you can see the type of the taxation that was made for each re[...]
New VAT columns on documents
What’s new? VAT percentage added on advance payment invoices and invoices. How? You can click Edit columns and add two more columns called “VAT 0%” and “VAT 10%”. With this option, you can s[...]
New icons on the reservation window
What’s new? Two new icons added – “Voucher description” and “Itinerary description”. Benefits? If you want to add some additional description on your reservations items, you can use th[...]