What's new? Three new options available on the price list of additional services!
E-mail templates
What’s new? Email templates give the ability to define templates that can be used for sending documents per email to clients/customers/suppliers. How? There can be defined different templ[...]
New option on the rent-a-car module
What’s new? New selling and billing type are now available on the price list for Rent-a-car module. Per day – when a customer crosses midnight, he will be charged like he was using [...]
Photos options
What’s new? You have the possibility to edit photos in the system. You can upload as many images as you want at the same time and you can also change the order of the photos, simply by clicking [...]
New option on the pricelist “Count child as an adult”
What’s new? On the hotel price list, under the tab Discounts, now is added an option that calculates the child’s price as he was an adult. How? This option determines whether the ch[...]
Entering new payments into the system
What’s new? It is possible to enter payments faster and quicker. How? You can easily enter a payment by clicking on the Finance tab „New Payment“, and enter the unique reservation num[...]