What’s new? We have improved our system with the additional comments text box inside of each reservation item. The comments text box can be filled through the online booking form or from the back of[...]
What’s new? Our system has been improved with a new option of adding margin per product type for each 3rd party vendor. For example, you can define a 15% margin for all GTA hotels, 12% for all trans[...]
What’s new? We have improved the Advanced tour module with the everyday departures function. The simple tour and group packages have already had this option and from now on you can use it for advan[...]
What’s new? Due to the improvement of our system, we have a new display of products inside the Travel product search screen. Until now, when choosing the New reservation option and searching for a h[...]
Check in between filter helps you to find all reservations that have at least one item that starts between this two dates. Check out filter finds all reservations that have at least one last item with[...]
Reservation created between is filter that helps you to find the list of reservations created in some specific period, for example last week or last month. Remember that second date is not included. I[...]
Whenever a customer makes a new online reservation in status inquiry, option or confirmed, you will get a notification e-mail that is defined in the Lemax settings. To change a notification e-mail: Se[...]
Our developers can add different document logos for the back office, web site and B2B. Please contact as at support@lemax.net for this request and send us logo images.
Add the same product twice and connect only one with a package. One product will be used for separate sell and it will be published on web and the other will be part of a package tour and it will [...]
Archive by Author
Additional comments text box on a reservation item level
What’s new? We have improved our system with the additional comments text box inside of each reservation item. The comments text box can be filled through the online booking form or from the back of[...]
Margin per product type for 3rd party vendors
What’s new? Our system has been improved with a new option of adding margin per product type for each 3rd party vendor. For example, you can define a 15% margin for all GTA hotels, 12% for all trans[...]
Everyday departures on advanced tours
What’s new? We have improved the Advanced tour module with the everyday departures function. The simple tour and group packages have already had this option and from now on you can use it for advan[...]
Adding photos to travel product search results
What’s new? Due to the improvement of our system, we have a new display of products inside the Travel product search screen. Until now, when choosing the New reservation option and searching for a h[...]
What is the difference between “Reservation period between” and “Check in/Check out filter?”
Check in between filter helps you to find all reservations that have at least one item that starts between this two dates. Check out filter finds all reservations that have at least one last item with[...]
What is the difference between Reservation created between” and “Reservation period between?”
Reservation created between is filter that helps you to find the list of reservations created in some specific period, for example last week or last month. Remember that second date is not included. I[...]
Will I get a notification e-mail if a customer makes a reservation on the website?
Whenever a customer makes a new online reservation in status inquiry, option or confirmed, you will get a notification e-mail that is defined in the Lemax settings. To change a notification e-mail: Se[...]
Is it possible to have fixed advanced amount for payment in the system?
It is possible to have fixed advanced amount for payment, for example 300 €. Please contact us at support@lemax.net for this request.
Can we have different logos on the documents for the back office and online sites?
Our developers can add different document logos for the back office, web site and B2B. Please contact as at support@lemax.net for this request and send us logo images.
I am selling products that are cheaper in packages than in individual sell. How to upload them?
Add the same product twice and connect only one with a package. One product will be used for separate sell and it will be published on web and the other will be part of a package tour and it will [...]