What’s new? Due to the improvement of our system, we have a new display of products inside the Travel product search screen. Until now, when choosing the New reservation option and searching for a hotel, the search results screen used to display all available rooms in multiple rows and there weren’t any hotel photos on this screen. From now on, when you search for a hotel room, the hotel photo will appear and all available rooms will be grouped under this hotel. This is applied to all products.

Benefits? The main advantage is a user friendly screen. Items (rooms, transfers or tours) are now grouped under one product which makes more useful overview. The user doesn’t have to click Online preview icon to get product’s photos, because the first photo is displayed in the search results.

How? Choose Reservations → New reservation from the main menu. Fill the search parameters and click the Search button. Untill now, all rooms were listed in separate rows (so one hotel could appear more than once).

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The new display will first show product name and a photo. All available rooms will be shown after that. 

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