Open a reservation for editing. Find the reservation item you wish to change the accommodation, tour, transport or activity on in reservation items grid and click Edit or double click the row. The Create reservation item window will appear. In General field’s upper right corner click Change button. Travel products search window will appear. Click[…]
Reservation notes
Entering notes for reservation Open a reservation for editing. In the Note field click on the note name you wish to enter: Internal – available only for internal use, will never be published Voucher – note for voucher documents, shown on each created voucher in that reservation Contract – note for contract Rooming list –[…]
Amend calculated price for services on reservation (adding discount on reservation)
If a service on a reservation item has been calculated automatically then no price change is possible. In order to reduce the price you can use the workaround and add a discount in the same way as you would add any other ad-hoc service. NOTE: If a service has been added to a reservation as[…]
Change currency on existing reservations
Open a reservation for editing. In the Reservation details field of the Reservation details window change Currency. Conversion will be done according to rules of conversion predefined in the system. Click OK to save changed currency.
Overview of activities done on reservation
The Lemax system remembers all activity in a form of any change made on each reservation in order to help you to track it down. Open a reservation for editing. Choose Activity tab in the Reservation details window. You can find an overview of all activity and changes made on this reservation. Use Filter grid[…]
Adding custom fields on reservations
In the Lemax system you can define your own filter parameters in order to find certain reservation easier or to make an list of reservations with the same characteristics used as overview or for exporting list in a form of a document. Open a reservation for editing. Choose Custom fields tab in the Reservation details[…]