What’s new? New icon on reservation items added where you can add an ad-hoc item with the same passengers from the reservation.

How? When you’re making a reservation for a hotel, you can add to this existing reservation some other item that you don’t have in the database. That item is called ah-doc item, for example rent-a-car service. If the passengers for this rent-a-car service are the same as for the hotel, you can click this Ad-hoc item with the same passengers icon, and the system will take them from the hotel item. This is useful when the names of the passengers for this new ad-hoc item (in this example a rent-a-car service) are the same as the ones on previously generated items and they are important to be visible on your documents like vouchers,supplier confirmations etc.

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If the passengers for this ad-hoc item are not important (or are different from the ones on the hotel item), you can click Ad-hoc item button and leave the passengers field empty or enter some different ones.


These two buttons do the same thing – they open a new reservation creation window where you can put some ad-hoc item. The only difference is that the Ad-hoc item with the same passengers icon takes passengers from the first item, and the Ad-hoc item button doesn’t.