What’s new? We have added new columns in document’s grid which are allowing you to track whether the document was sent, was it sent by e-mail or post and at what time.

Benefits? Until now, you could check document sending only through Activity tab on the Reservation details window. From now on, you can check it quickly from the document grid and also track sending by e-mail or post.

How? Choose one of the Documents from the main menu. Use Edit columns option in the down right corner of the grid to include newly added columns. Include following columns: Sending time by e-mail, Sending time by post, Sent by e-mail and Sent by post.

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This columns will allow you to track document sending date and time more easily.

To turn on Sent by post option for your document, you should make following change during the document creation;

When you are creating a document, you can notice a new Send documents by post check box in Other details field.

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If you tick it, Sent by post check box will be available to tick in the same column.

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This way, you can make sure you have sent this document by post.