What’s new? Because every ticket that comes from Amadeus has its own unique reservation number we have added an option to follow tickets accordingly. Before this change, you were able to follow tickets only by ticket number.

Benefits? This change allows you to follow ticket booking under the same code in the system as in Amadeus. Therefore, your clients can also see on the documents with which booking this reservation is associated with.

How? Go to New reservation → Amadeus tickets and click on Import in order to book new ticket or enter existing reservation. Let’s find existing one and enter it.

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In Reservation details window find the ticket you have booked and click on Edit.

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In Reference number text box you will find unique reservation number from Amadeus that is called PNR record locator.

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Afterwards when you return to grid with list of Amadeus tickets (New reservation → Amadeus tickets), you will be able to find column named as PNR record locator which is by default excluded but you can include it by going to Edit columns.

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If you enter in PNR record locator text box the same reference number you will find reservation under that number.

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NOTE: this setting is available on request of our clients. Please contact support@lemax.net if you want to turn this in Lemax. So, you can decide whether you want to use flight number or Amadeus reservation number in Reference number text box, but not to use them both.