What’s new? From now on, you can search through your Flight/bus list using Pick up place as one of the filtering options.

How? After you add wanted Pick up places on the level of Charter flight/bus you will use to create an Advanced tour, you should define Pick up place for each passenger  when creating a reservation.

 Pick up places as the Flight-bus list filtering parameter [1]

This is shown as the optional drop down list under each passenger.

 Pick up places as the Flight-bus list filtering parameter [2]

When you go to the Reports > Passengers > Flight/bus list, you should choose wanted tour which you want to use to create appropriate Flight/bus list.

 Pick up places as the Flight-bus list filtering parameter [3]

After that, just choose wanted Pick up place and get results as the list of passengers departing from this Pick up place.

Pick up places as the Flight-bus list filtering parameter [4]