What’s new? Due to the improvement of our system, we have added Passport issue and Passport expiry date fields for customers and passengers. If this information is filled for passengers, it will appear inside Accommodation and Transport list of simple tours and group packages.

Benefits? There is no need to add this data as a custom field, because you can fill it inside General tab now. Not only that, it will appear in accommodation and transport list and it can be exported.

How? Edit one passenger from your data base or add a new one when making a reservation. Find new fields: Passport issue date and Passport expiry date. Fill this fields if you want to display them on accommodation and transport list.

Book one group package with passenger that you have edited.

Open Rooming list tab and Accommodation list 2nd level tab.

Open Rooming list and Transport list 2nd level tab.

Book one simple our and open Rooming or Passenger list.