What’s new? Due to the improvement of our system, from now when searching products before creating new reservations, a new Travel products search page will appear. Parameters such as: Accommodation, Tours, Transport, Activities and Congress will have separate tab for searching.

Benefits? The main benefit is that now after booking you can go directly back to Travel products search page that will remember parameters that you have defined while making first search. All you need to do is close the booking window.

How? Choose Reservations → New Reservation from the main menu. Before the change, there was only one page and one tab with all parameters.

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Now, new page has more tabs to choose, depending on the product you want to book.

Search the products.


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Click Book button. Close the window or make a reservation and then close the window. 18-11-2014- New Travel product search page 4

Result will be the same, you will go back to Travel products search page and you can start new search.

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