Choose Transport from the main menu. Choose Transfers. Click New object above the grid. A New transport window will appear. Select Rent a car type Choose the existing destination or enter a new one. Choose the existing supplier or enter a new one. Choose the existing department or enter a new one. Fill in all[…]
Rent a car
Editing rent a car
Choose Transport from the main menu. Choose Rent a car. Use filters to find desired rent a car. Double click a row in the grid or click the Edit button.
Rent a car description
Entering rent a car description is the same as entering accommodation description.
Entering rent a car units
Entering rent a car units is the same as entering accommodation units.
Publishing rent a car units online
Publishing rent a car units online is the same as publishing accommodation units online.
Rent a car price list
Defining transfers price list is the same as defining accommodation price list. Rent a car has three specific billing types: Charging rent a car per day: Every time customer crosses midnight, he will be charged like he was using 2 days, no matter if he was using the service less then 24 hours. When he[…]