Login information

To access the Subagent Booking area, please visit the following URL:
Log in with the username (e-mail) and the password provided by your partner.

NOTE: Instead of demo in the url address there would be name of the agency who is providing you with the account.

Creating a new reservation

  1. Choose Search from the main menu (should be selected by default when you log in).
  2. Use the parameters in the Search Parameters field to narrow down your search.
    NOTE: If you click the Advanced Search link below the Search parameters field, additional searching options will be available.
  3. Click the Search button.
  4. In the table on the right, the search results will be displayed. These are all products that match your search parameters and are available for direct booking or inquiry.
    –    Name – name of the product (hotel, tour, excursion, transfer)
    –    Destination – the city where the product is located
    –    Service Name – basic service being provided with this product
    –    PAX – maximum number of people this product can accommodate (in one booking item, e.g. in one room)
    –    Units – shows you whether this product is Available for direct booking, or just available On Request
    –    Description – gives a full detailed description of the product booked
    –    Price – gives the price based on the setting in the Advanced Search filter, “Total” is set by default
    –    Departure (only in Tours) – shows the departure dates and the duration of the departure
    –    Column with controls – allows you to preview a hotel or create a reservation
  5. Click Book button next to a desired product.
  6. An online booking form window will appear.
  7. On the top of the window you can still change the desired dates.
  8. Choose how many of these products you need to book in the Number of rooms text box.
  9. Choose the number of passengers in each room in the Number of persons text box.
  10. Enter names of the passengers.
  11. Select the age of passengers so that discounts could be applied.
  12. Locate Discounts and special offers text and move mouse over it to get list of the discounts and special offers applied.
  13. Below each passenger you can check additional services that are available and charged „per person“
  14. You can choose additional services that are available and charged per item or per reservation. It is positioned below passenger’s details.
  15. The total price will be calculated on the top and at the bottom of the Chosen services field.
    NOTE: If you have a commission given by the company, the default price will be crossed out, while your price with commission will be available.
  16. Choose the payment method in the Payment method box (this is mandatory).
  17. Add any additional comment to this booking (e.g. Vegetarians, Non-smokers…)
  18. Click the desired button in the bottom to create a reservation:
    a. Send Enquiry button will create an inquiry. This means you want to hold the product and take a few days to decide. This is only available if the object is on request.
    b. Option button will create an option. This means you want to hold the accommodation and take a few days to decide. This is only available if the object is available.
    c. Booking button will directly create a confirmed reservation. This is only available if the object is available.
    d. Pay button will directly create a confirmed reservation. This is only available if the object is available and if you choose credit card payment.

Overview of reservations

  1. Choose one of the reservation statuses from the main menu (Inquiries, Options or Confirmed) to view reservations in a selected status.
  2. A list of all reservations in that status will appear.
  3. Use filters above the grid to find reservations you need.

Overview of payments

  1. Choose Payments from the main menu.
  2. A list of all of your payments to the partner will appear.
  3. You can easily download the Confirmation of Payment / Payment receipt documents for each payment.
  4. Use filters above the grid to find specific payments.

Overview of documents

  1. Choose Documents from the main menu.
  2. Choose the type of document you are interested in.
  3. All documents of the specified type will appear.
  4. Use the PDF icon to open a document.
  5. Use the filters on top of columns to filter documents.
  6. Use filters above the grid to find specific documents.

Setup personal data

In the subagent booking area it is possible to set up some preferences.

  1. Choose Change data from the main menu.
  2. Edit data.
  3. Click Update to save.
    NOTE: Changes will apply when you log out and log back in.

Change password

  1. Choose Change data from the main menu.
  2. Click on Change Password link (just above the Update button).
  3. Type your current password in the Password field.
  4. Type in the new password in both New Password and Confirm New Password fields.
  5. Click Change to save.
    NOTE: Changes will apply when you log out and log back in.

Forgot password

In case you forgot your password, a new one can be created for you and emailed to the e-mail address you use as your username (for logging in). To do this, please:

  1. Visit the Log in screen (see the log in information chapter).
  2. Click Forgot password link.
  3. Enter your username (the email address you use to log in).
  4. Click Send.

An email with a new password will be sent to this e-mail address.