FIT tours

Statuses of FIT tour

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 7, 2014

FIT tour statuses are same as statuses of advanced tours: Active, Archived and Cancelled. NOTE: To see the process of archiving, canceling and deleting FIT tours, refer to the archiving, canceling, deleting tours chapters. If you want to have your FIT tour published on web, statuses of the components inside the tour doesn’t have to be[]

FIT tour description

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 7, 2014

Entering a FIT tour description is the same as entering an advanced tour description.

FIT tour price list

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 7, 2014

The total price of FIT tour is calculated based on total price of all components. Therefore, beginning and end of each component is important. Table with FIT tour price list is shown in Departures tab and the prices change depending on price list schedule of each component. NOTE: You cot not change net and selling[]

Define everyday departures dates for a FIT tour

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 7, 2014

Choose Departures tab. Click Insert departures/periods button. Departure schedule window will open Check the Daily departures check box. Define departures by defining the dates between which a tour will be available using the calendar buttons. NOTE: To add a new period group, click the Add new period button.  Check certain days in the week when[]

Define scheduled departures dates for a FIT tour

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 7, 2014

Choose Departures tab. Click Insert departures/periods button. Departure schedule window will open Leave the Daily departures check box unchecked. Define dates of departure for a FIT tour by using the calendar buttons or enter it manually. NOTE: To add a new period group, click the Add new departure button. End date is automatically set by the duration[]

Add components of FIT tour

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 7, 2014

Choose FIT components tab. Click New item button above the grid. Travel product search window will open. In the Search parameters field choose the Accommodation, Tours, Transport or Activities tab depending on component you are searching for. Set the other parameters in Search parameters field or click the button Advanced Search for more search parameters.[]

Preview of a FIT tour

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 7, 2014

To see the FIT tour preview, see the preview of an advanced tour chapter.

Edit a FIT tour

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 7, 2014

Choose Tours → FIT tour from the main menu. Use filters to find desires FIT tour. Double click the row or use Edit icon to edit a FIT tour

Creating a FIT tour

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 7, 2014

Choose Tours → FIT tour from the main menu. Click the Add tour button above the grid. Define the Name of the tour. Click OK to save. Once you clicked OK, your tour is saved in the database and in the tour editing window new tabs will appear. These tabs allow you to: – Choose FIT[]

FIT tour specifics

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 4, 2014

Simple tours are used to sell tours that can include other components from the system. The components from which FIT tour can be created are: Accommodation, Transport, Rent-a-car, Flight, Simple tour and/or Activity. It is advised to use this module if you have entered before all the components and if their price in the FIT[]

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