Advanced Tours

Advanced tour with personal transport

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 22, 2014

Create an advanced tour or edit existing one. Choose Price list tab → Additional services tab. Click Add button. In Service drop down list find Deduction for personal transport. Enter net price for each departure date. NOTE: You can enter prices with negative amount here. Adjust the margin to get selling price. Click OK to save[]

Adding pickup places

Posted by Mateja Bogdan on July 22, 2014

Pickup places are used to define possible departure destinations of an advanced tour. To add a pickup places: Choose Transport → Charter flight/bus from the main menu. Enter a charter flight or edit existing one. Choose Pickup places tab. Click Add pickup place button. Choose pickup destination from the list or add a new one.[]

Financial transactions overview

Posted by Anita Bojanic on May 5, 2014

For each departure it is possible to see all the financial transactions on all reservations on this departure. Edit a departure. Choose the Transactions tab. A grid displaying information on all financial transactions on this departure will appear.

Flight/bus lists

Posted by Anita Bojanic on May 5, 2014

It is possible to create charter flight/bus lists for each departure of an advanced tour. Create a flight/bus list Edit a departure. Choose the Flight/bus list tab. Set the Advanced flight/bus list options (if necessary). Click the Filter button. A flight/bus list for all charter flights/buses has been created. The information about the date of[]

Rooming lists

Posted by Anita Bojanic on May 5, 2014

It is possible to create rooming lists for each departure of an advanced tour. Create a rooming list Edit a departure. Choose the Rooming list tab. Set the Advanced rooming list options (if necessary). Click the Filter button. A rooming list for all rooms in all hotels has been created. The information about the date[]

Charter flight/bus occupancy

Posted by Anita Bojanic on May 2, 2014

Charter flight/bus occupancy for a tour Edit an advanced tour. Choose the Charter flight/bus tab. A grid displaying total number of seats for each date used in these tours will be shown. On each date you can see a list of all charter flights/buses departing or returning on that date. You can see a total[]

Statuses of tours

Posted by Anita Bojanic on May 2, 2014

Statuses of tours Active tours – tours for selling, creating reservations, documents and managing passenger’s lists. Archived tours – you can archive a tour when passengers come back from the trip and the tour is no longer active. Cancelled tours – it is used when a tour gets cancelled for some reason. NOTE: You may[]

Publishing tours online

Posted by Anita Bojanic on May 2, 2014

Use the Tours → Advanced tour item from the main menu. Find the desired advanced tour. Double click the row or click the Edit icon. Choose the Price list tab. If needed, scroll down to find the appropriate accommodation unit. Click the Status icon to define Published on web status. There are three possible statuses: Inactive –tour[]

Entering departures with different duration

Posted by Anita Bojanic on May 2, 2014

Departure duration is defined by the departure group. Group all of the departures with the same duration into one departure group. If you have departures with different durations, for each of those durations you will need to create a different departure group. Creating a new departure group Edit an advanced tour. Choose the Departures tab.[]

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